Recently, I had an important meeting with my web developer just before I left for Camp Ohana Village. I needed to settle some technical matters with him prior to my trip since internet access is very limited at Camp Ohana Village. Often times just when you are pressed for time, something untoward happens. Lady luck was probably not on my side. In the midst of all this, I had some glitches in my laptop. That simple glitch could either have made or broken my day. I chose the better part.
You see everyday we encounter positive and negative circumstances in our lives. Circumstances that either bring out the best or worst in us. We do not know what is in store for us. Sometimes we are just caught off guard. However, if you have developed a positive attitude and have a grateful heart, your circumstances in life will not make you falter. Your circumstances don’t make you, you make yourself. The circumstances just make you better.
Life is uncertain, but we can control our attitude and how we respond. It is all a matter of perspective. Before you complain over something unfortunate, seek the wisdom behind it. Be thankful under any circumstance. There is always a blessing in everything. Sometimes, when all we see is pain, we lose sight of the beauty that is right before our very eyes.
You may have been praying for something for the longest time. Instead of getting your prayers answered, you feel, the circumstances in your life pull you away from it. Do not fret! Know that these untoward circumstances that are coming your way are the path that will lead you to your heart’s desire. It is just not wrapped in the way you want it, but in time, it will be.
How life treats you depends entirely on how you respond to life.