I have been very vocal about my goal and vision for our youth of today. I want to empower them and develop future global leaders. I am laying down the foundation for them and for the people who serve as their influencers, through my mission and webinars. I aim to set the starting point for their journey.
Often times, people are so engrossed with the future – their goals and dreams that they tend to overlook what is in the now. They envision their destiny but forget how to reach that final destination.
My take on this is that your final destination depends primarily on your journey. What you do during your journey determines your destiny. We are all created for a purpose greater than us and as a result, we have a sense of destiny. We are a result of what we do today. Very often we focus on tomorrow and miss today. If you take care of today, put enough todays together, you will discover your destiny.
How you live your journey builds your character. The trials and triumphs you meet along the way will give you the strength needed to reach your destiny.
When people say “this is my destiny”, they will attribute all of it to the notion that this is what is meant to be. But let us not overlook the fact that, yes it was meant to be, but because you also made it happen. The circumstances you encountered all led you to what you call ‘meant to be.” You were a part of it. It is not just written in the stars. All the decisions you made, they were all part in the destiny you created.
Have a meaningful journey!