Last weekend, I had the time of my life. I spent it simply strolling along the beach. It was a wonderful feeling enjoying the simple things in life and knowing what matters most. I can say I am living a fulfilled life. How about you? Are you living a fulfilled life?
For many, a fulfilled life is a successful life. A life that is free from challenges, achieving your dreams and doing what it is that you are most passionate about. Is that really what fulfillment truly is?
Fulfillment for me is contentment. One can only feel fulfilled with their life if they know how to be content with it. Knowing how to appreciate everything life has to offer — all the ups and downs. Never equate fulfillment with material things because you will never find happiness if you associate fulfillment and contentment with things that are temporal.
A successful life does not mean a fulfilled life. I know of many people, some are even celebrities who practically have everything material that this world can offer. Money, cars, power, and fame, but as they retire for the day, they still feel a sense of emptiness. This is because the greatest things in life are those that money cannot buy.
We cannot change the world, we simply have to live with what it offers us. However, we may not have any control over the world, but we have control of our attitude towards it. An irate boss or an annoying customer may totally ruin your day and even make you hate your job. But if you change your attitude towards these kinds of people, trying to understand where they are coming from and helping them make a change, that negative situation can be turned into a fulfilling one.
Let us not allow the world to absorb us. Seek for the simple pleasures because that simplicity in life is what will take you to the grandest feeling. Fulfillment will take its place when we stop looking for satisfaction in life. Be content, not complacent. Appreciate what you have, where you are, how and what you are and continue to strive for your goals. Your satisfaction and contentment is your secret weapon in taking your journey to success with a happy heart.
“It is contentment that gives true fulfillment.” — Anonymous