Tug of war is one of the most famous classic games. It is a game of strength and whichever is the strongest team wins. The key to winning this game is teamwork, stamina, but most importantly is strength.
When we speak of strength, we associate it with muscles and the lifting of heavy things. Children will say, strength is The Incredible Hulk, while for the young at heart, the iconic Superman!
I would like to look at strength beyond its physical attributes. The true strength of a person is found in his weakness. Quite confusing isn’t it?
For one to be strong, you have to know how it is to be weak. It is during the low points of our lives that we find our strength. Our ability to rise up and fight to improve our lives is a manifestation of strength. Acknowledging our mistakes and weaknesses is a show of strength. Knowing when to seek assistance, is strength in itself.
You may wonder, how can those be strengths? We have to admit that one of the hardest things to do in this life is to accept our weakness. We all boast of our accomplishments but never do we brag about our failures in life. For someone to admit I failed, I need help and I can’t do it on my own is not just strength, but courage and strength combined. You are strong because you do not only desire to rise up from the ashes, but you will rise up. It is never an easy journey rising up. You need people assisting you along the way however, the end goal is what matters most. You are able to rise up!
Oxford described strength as the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure. In real life, these great forces and pressures are the struggles, challenges, and difficulties. To withstand these great forces, you have to start with acceptance. Acknowledgment of mistakes and humbling oneself to seek help. If you combine all these, rising up will never be an impossible feat. You will come out not just as a much stronger person, but wiser. Our true strength is found in facing and overcoming adversities in life.
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger