I was chatting with a friend the other day, and she was telling me how she spent her holidays. I can sense the happiness in her as she relates the wonderful experiences they spent as a family on their vacation.
She narrated to me the whole journey, from the time she was apprehensive to join the vacation due to huge costs involved, but in the end, she was very grateful that she agreed because indeed it was a one of a kind experience for the entire family.
We all have gone through this phase, at one point in our lives — FEAR. Fear to embark on something new and different. But where does our fear come from?
Fear is a result of anticipating something negative. It hardens our hearts and closes our minds. Even before it happens, we have conditioned our minds that something untoward “might” result from our actions. This may be due to a past experience or a present predicament that brings uncertainty to someone. However, we should not be victims of our fears. Let us not miss out on the wonderful things life has to offer over unnecessary concerns that may not even happen. Do not imbibe in your minds negative thoughts. Remember that the more you focus on the negative, you give it more power. Conquer your fear and experience the fullness of life.
Do not be afraid to fail because it is part of our growth process. It is in failing that we learn and it is in rising that we become stronger.
Let not fear write the story of your life. Embrace the fullness of life. It’s ups and downs, triumphs and struggles. Whatever lies ahead, embrace it. Any obstacles can be overcomed if you believe.
Enjoy life! Live life and appreciate everything it has to offer.
“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.” — Eleanor Roosevelt