The other day I was so excited because the package I ordered online finally arrived. It was a pair of shorts that I can use in the gym. However, much to my dismay, what I got was the wrong size, it was one size smaller than mine. But because I waited for it for almost a week, I tried my luck and tried it on. Lo and behold, it fits me! Did I lose weight or what? Until I realized, because it is garterized. I can stretch it a bit that is why it fit me. The flexibility of the garter did the magic for me.
In life, we all need to be flexible. Flexibility is adapting to changes in circumstances and taking course of action that is appropriate to the change. Go with the flow.
The only permanent thing in this world is change. We do not know when the tides will take a turn. We do not know what will happen. If you are flexible, come what may, you will be able to adapt to this change and grow.
Leaders must be flexible. There will be instances wherein what you planned out will not match the reality of a certain situation. You must be open to modify your plan or leadership approach to adapt to the change and maintain to be productive. In dealing with others, what works with one may not work with the others. Thus, a flexible leader is open to adjusting their leadership approach in order to match the capabilities of others. In the end, everyone will emerge as victorious because you were able to bring out the best in every person, that includes you.
Remember, being flexible does not mean you will change your mission, or vision or even your goals. The end goal is still the same, what will change is how you take the journey to achieve your goal.
“Peak performers see the ability to manage change as a necessity in fulfilling their missions.” — Charles A. Garfield