I Choose to Be Happy

It is Easy to be Happy

Just recently, the world, especially women, woke up to the shocking news that a famous designer was found dead in her posh New York apartment.  The news went viral in social media and there is only one question in people’s minds — WHY? I came across a comment that says, she has everything anyone could ask for why would she do that?

Everything?  It is sad to note that more often, people regard happiness with what is seen with the naked eyes, what is material.  They equate happiness with what is in the bank, the house they live in, the car they drive.

I am truly blessed that getting to where I am right now, I had to be a witness to the extremities of life.  Experiencing living a life of having none, to a more comfortable state of life. It molded me to be more appreciative of the simple things and learned to share opportunities bestowed upon me.  It taught me how to be happy.

Happiness is a state of mind.  If you are happy in abundance, you can also be happy in nothingness.  The key is appreciation and contentment. Learn to appreciate what you have and stop focusing on what you do not have.  If you keep on counting the things you do not have, that is where misery starts. However, if you know how to appreciate the simple things in life like food on the table, a roof to keep you safe, it is easy to be happy.

Am I happy?  Definitely! I am happy because I am surrounded by people who showed me the true meaning of happiness.  The smile I see in people’s faces, the knowledge that I help impart to children, the confidence that we slowly brought out from women through our mentoring programs, that is my happiness.  Priceless indeed!

My happiness comes from the people I help and work with.  They are my constant reminders that true happiness comes from the heart.  I may not have a hefty bank account, but my heart is full of gratitude and appreciation to what life has to offer me and what I can give back.


Amos Balongo

Amos has been a Corporate Motivational speaking sensation since moving to the United States from Africa. He has presented at several Leadership conferences and summits and traveled to over 32 countries motivating and transforming Leaders with his message. Organizations like United States Pacific Command, United Nations, United States Airforce, The YMCA’s of the USA, United States Navy and many others have hired Amos to speak. Amos is also a Philanthropist and has developed many initiatives in the United States and in Africa, empowering and equipping leaders through various leadership opportunities.