When will this stop?

When will this stop

Last May 18, America witnessed mass shootings at a Southeast Texas school that left 10 dead and 10 hurt.  A few months earlier, in February 2018, another school shooting occurred in Florida that took the lives of 17 students and wounded many.  

As an advocate Youth, I am deeply bothered with this.  The question that kept running through my mind is when will this stop?  I cannot fathom the thought of where these children get the courage to commit such heinous crimes.  What motivates them to do such?

Studies show that the act of violence is a form of retaliation against threats to one’s manhood.  Oftentimes, this threat is exhibited through bullying.

A victim of bullying feels unsupported and tends to withdraw and isolate themselves to avoid getting hurt.  They feel depressed and know that their persona is being attacked, but refuse to fight back. Once they reach the tipping point, that’s when they resorts to acts of violence.  It is their way of saying — “I am in command now.”

I came across a study that shows 90% of 4th to 8th graders report that they have been bullied.  This is so alarming.

If only I had a magic wand and could wave it to put a stop to all this violence, I would do that. But that is not how it works.

I want to address the issue of bullying in the best way I can and in the manner I am most equipped to do.  Using my speaking skills,. I will continue my fight against bullying and create global leaders. I strongly support our youth and I believe that given the right guidance and a strong foundation, we will be able to develop future global leaders.

However, family plays a huge part in this.  All the love, care and assurance should start from home.  We should all make our children feel loved and appreciated right in the comforts of our home.  The love we give them will make them more confident knowing that they have a family that always has their back.



Amos Balongo

Amos has been a Corporate Motivational speaking sensation since moving to the United States from Africa. He has presented at several Leadership conferences and summits and traveled to over 32 countries motivating and transforming Leaders with his message. Organizations like United States Pacific Command, United Nations, United States Airforce, The YMCA’s of the USA, United States Navy and many others have hired Amos to speak. Amos is also a Philanthropist and has developed many initiatives in the United States and in Africa, empowering and equipping leaders through various leadership opportunities.