Reinforcing Your Leadership Skills

Episode 1_ Four Pillars

Any structure will not stand if it does not have a strong foundation.   The foundation holds the structure and keeps it upright.  

However, apart from the foundation, a structure also needs something to frame and support it.  This is what the pillars are for. Alongside their decorative purpose, the pillars are designed to support and give strength to a structure. They anchor the foundation to give it more stability.

The same principle applies to the concept of leadership.  

I am a Leadership Coach, Business Coach and Motivational Speaker. Throughout my years of public speaking, I realized that, often, many people do not understand the true concept of leadership. Majority of people have the knowledge and understanding of leadership as someone in command.  Having a leader that gives orders, while others follow.

Leadership is far more than that – beyond having authority or power.  Leadership is a responsibility.  

As a leadership coach and speaker, I saw the need to give people a deeper understanding of the essence of leadership.  Every leader is equipped with their own leadership style and skills. However, these need to be reinforced and strengthened to make one’s leadership  capability more effective.  As a result, I created the Four Pillars of Leadership. 

In the first episode of my Journeys of Inspiration podcast, I  share with you these 4 pillars that will further boost your leadership skills.  These are tried and tested principles that will bring your competence to a higher level. Skills that will enable you not just to lead but inspire and help people achieve success.

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Amos Balongo

Amos has been a Corporate Motivational speaking sensation since moving to the United States from Africa. He has presented at several Leadership conferences and summits and traveled to over 32 countries motivating and transforming Leaders with his message. Organizations like United States Pacific Command, United Nations, United States Airforce, The YMCA’s of the USA, United States Navy and many others have hired Amos to speak. Amos is also a Philanthropist and has developed many initiatives in the United States and in Africa, empowering and equipping leaders through various leadership opportunities.