One of the most important things I value in this world is “trust.” It is something that we all put so much weight on, likewise, something that is so hard to give.
The best foundation of any relationship is trust. Everything will fall into place if we have trust. It puts value and meaning to a relationship. With trust, also comes faith. If you trust someone, you also extend to that individual, faith. Faith in their abilities and their character.
Why is trust so hard to give? Lack of trust is the presence of doubt. You have apprehensions over something or someone that prevents you to fully extend your seal of confidence. Yes, once doubt sets in, trust loses its power.
Often times, we fail to give our trust to someone because of an experience. We do not want to commit the same mistake again. As a result we become careful with our actions and selective in trusting people.
One of the realizations we should carry in this lifetime is that, we should not let our experiences get in the way of relating to people. We may have had unfortunate incidents in the past, but we should also remind ourselves that each and every person is different from one another. We should give the people we meet an opportunity to be a part of our lives, and trust that in the end, our relationship, be it good or bad, will be part of molding us to be better people.
When someone extends us their trust, let us, hold on to it. Nurture it and make it grow. Treat it as a rare gem because once it is broken, it is something that is hard to get back.
“Trust is a fragile thing. Easy to break, easy to lose and one of the hardest things to ever get back.”