Life is not a smooth journey. We encounter bumps along the way that when handled wrongly may cause our downfall. Sometimes, rising up is something we cannot do on our own. We need a friend, coach or mentor to guide us in our recovery. We need a companion that will empower us to stand and pick up the pieces.
What does it mean to be empowered? For an individual, empowerment comes to us when we feel a wealth of enthusiasm build up in our heart and soul. It pushes us to reach forward and achieve what we want in life. It is a self- determination or decision that urges us to say, “I want this change to happen and I will make it happen.” There is an internal force that pushes us to keep on going and move forward. We move with greater confidence because we are at ease in acting on behalf of what we know is right and what we want to see in the world.
In a business environment or in the workplace, empowerment is associated with trust, responsibility and accountability. Training and all the needed resources are provided to people to equip them in handling and making sound decisions. You teach your people independence and accountability. The resources given to them will give them the confidence to perform their duties to the best that they can. You encourage your people to be the best that they can be and open up opportunities for them to grow. You remove the fear and doubts in their minds that when they decide on something, they will be liable for it. Instead, you give them the courage and confidence to make decisions under any circumstance because they know they can do it. If things do not turn out the way they are expected they can handle it and take full responsibility for it because it will make them better individuals.