“Are you content with your life?” It is best to ask ourselves this question once in a while. It is a way of assessing where we are and evaluate the things we have done while planning for better things to come.
Contentment is a choice. A state of satisfaction and happiness on where you are, what you have and how you are living your life.
To be content does not mean you have lost your drive and ceased to strive for excellence. It is more of embracing your current state and accepting everything that goes with it while continuing to work harder as you want to bring it to the next level. As you strive to be a better individual your desire to be better will improve the state of your life.
Some would say that if they have their own house, own car, a good amount of money in the bank, they are content with their lives. Yet, once they have accumulated these, they want more. When they fail to achieve their desire to get more, despite what they have accomplished, they feel emptiness in them. This is because, they never learn to be content with what they have.
By nature, man has insatiable desires that is why it is hard to practice contentment. We should always be on the lookout. Our discontentment may work against us. It may cause us to do things that would harm us instead of good. Because we want more and more and more, our desires tend to overpower our right judgment.
There is a big difference in working towards something while coming from a state of contentment as opposed to a the state of discontentment. If you come from discontentment, when you strive for something better, you may have the tendency to make wrong decisions that lack clarity. You are so eager to get out of your current predicament and that desire affects your decision-making. If you come from a state of contentment, it is a harmonious journey. You do not bring any excess baggage with you because, you are happy and you will have a smooth transition to the level you are aiming for.
A piece of advice, whether you are in a good or bad state in your life, be content. Bear in mind, everything is temporary. Life is a cycle and it will change. Just continue to be grateful for what you have but do not stop to aim for the next level. Bring all the learning you can bring as you journey to the next phase of your life.
“To be content doesn’t mean you don’t desire more, it means you’re thankful for what you have and patient for what’s to come.” Tony Gaskins