It is Not Accidental

Episode 5_ It is Not Accidental

We have to admit that we are all taken aback with what is happening now.  No one could have imagined that a virus could create global havoc with such great magnitude, bringing the world and it’s economies to a screeching halt. 

We are all in a standstill. Life is not normal.  We are uncertain when things will go back to the way they used to be. Will there still be progress, will there still be growth, is success still possible at this time? I say — YES!  Life must go on, we must continue with our journey.

The growth of a person happens in times of weakness. You are never fully aware of your capabilities until you are pushed to your limits.  Only then will you realize that you can accomplish things you never thought you could.  

Growth in times of crisis can be manifested by how we approach it. To grow in the midst of adversity and challenges requires maturity.

To live in an environment of lockdown is never easy. It is a unique experience that we will definitely share with our children and our children’s children.  However, if you go beyond the problem and see the wisdom why this is happening, that is growth and maturity in action. 

The kind of leadership we need at the moment is when leaders acknowledge the problem, find a solution to it,  and most importantly, widen their perspectives and  seek for opportunities, hidden behind the problem. Whatever we are in right now, is never accidental.  It is part of a bigger plan that in the end, will do all of us good.  Definitely, there are lessons we need to learn and must unravel to put meaning to this experience.

The journey to see the end of all this is not easy.  However, that is what makes things more meaningful.  It is in the journey where we grow. You grow as an individual and your experiences when shared, can  inspire and motivate others, ultimately allowing them to grow.

Last week I was on the phone with a friend, and we discussed how greatly this pandemic affected our respective businesses.  One thing that struck me as he was sharing his thoughts was when he realized that in the end, who you are, what car you drive, what brand of clothes you wear no longer matters.  What matters is your family and the time spent with them. That is a classic example of growth in a crisis. My friend just showed me how he grew in character, attitude and perspective.  It was a personal growth for him.

Growth and success should never be equated with material things.  It is just sad that not everyone believes this. However, it took a virus to make people realize what are the things that matter most in life.

As we wait for this pandemic to subside, let us keep on growing, appreciating what is the now, learning from it, using it to be better individuals and start planning for the future —  bringing all these experiences with us. We are in this together, and we will come out stronger.

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Amos Balongo

Amos has been a Corporate Motivational speaking sensation since moving to the United States from Africa. He has presented at several Leadership conferences and summits and traveled to over 32 countries motivating and transforming Leaders with his message. Organizations like United States Pacific Command, United Nations, United States Airforce, The YMCA’s of the USA, United States Navy and many others have hired Amos to speak. Amos is also a Philanthropist and has developed many initiatives in the United States and in Africa, empowering and equipping leaders through various leadership opportunities.