If there is one thing in this world that you can never go wrong while doing, is making others feel good. Being of service to other people, going out of your way to do things that will make a difference in their lives is simply what defines being helpful.
Every Christmas season I spend time with the underprivileged and orphaned children at Camp Ohana Village. For the past ten years my Foundation has been supporting programs that benefit these wonderful children and Christmas time is no different.
Simple gestures can create a big impact in people’s lives. These gestures demonstrate that indeed human kind is good by nature. We all possess purity of heart. Sometimes our hearts are tainted by the world we live in. Sometimes we wander from our true purpose because we are more focused on how to survive on planet earth.
I believe that the best way to stay on the right path is to continue doing good. Help people in need. Never get tired of being there for other people. It does not have to be material but a few minutes of your time or being a shoulder to cry on would mean so much to someone in need.
This Christmas season, let us practice the art of helping. Do something that will lift someone’s spirit. You would not believe how a sweet smile can make the change.
Spread the love this Christmas!