As parents, the greatest gift we can give our children is the gift of life. This does not end at the time of birth. This gift of life can give birth to a greater gift — teaching your children to live a meaningful life.
All of us live for a purpose. It is the responsibility of parents to guide their children to discover their purpose, ultimately adding value to their lives. By discovering their purpose they will make a positive contribution in life.
Life is a wonderful thing, however what is wonderful about life is not just being born into this world and living it, but to live for others, lifting others up and making a difference in their lives.
In this day and age, where survival of the fittest is the name of the game, many finds it hard to live and serve others. As human beings, by nature, we have that innate kindness within us. All we have to do is find it within us. No matter how complex this world may be, the choice is in you. If you choose to make a difference in people’s lives, it will be easy for you to make that contribution to this world.
We are all here on borrowed time. We were given a lease on life. Make good use of it and when the time comes to depart this world, we can say — I lived a life of purpose.