Welcome 2019! It is a brand new year for everyone. A new beginning, a fresh start, an opportunity to reflect on the past year and face the new year with hope and a new promise.
If we want to make change in 2019, it is more than mindset. Sheer determination is not enough if we do not take action, we need to put “purpose” in our lives.
We strive to achieve our goals by doing the things we should do, knowing how to do them and determine when is the best time to do them. We cannot work on a hit and miss process. We need to have a definite plan on what our goals are for this new year.
Some people call this as a “new year’s resolution,” I call it purpose. A new year’s resolution is simply your desire to change. When we put purpose in our life we achieve significance.
I often hear people say, we have no control on what the universe has in store for us, so let it be and come what may. Indeed, we have no control but if you have a plan and put purpose in your life, it will serve as your airbag when life hits you hard.
Planned actions helps you face life’s challenges in full battle gear.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry